• mkim180@pusan.ac.kr
  • 49, Busandaehak-ro, Yangsan-si, South Korea

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

  1. "Enhancing Free-hand 3D Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Reconstruction using Deep Learning "
    SiYeoul Lee, SeonHo Kim, Minkyung Seo, SeongKyu Park, Salehin Imrus, Kambaluru Ashok, DongEon Lee, Chunsu Park, SeonYeong Lee, Jiye Kim, Jae-Heung Yoo, MinWoo Kim
    Under review
  2. "W-DRAG: A joint framework of WGAN with data random augmentation optimized for generative networks for bone marrow edema detection in dual energy CT "
    Chunsu Park, Jeong-Woon Kang, Dong-Eon Lee, Wookon Son, Sang-Min Lee, Chankue Park, MinWoo Kim
    Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2024.07
  3. "Review of deep learning approaches for interleaved photoacoustic and ultrasound (PAUS) imaging"
    MinWoo Kim, Ivan Pelivanov, Matthew O’Donnell
    IEEE UFFC, 2023.11
  4. "Prediction of bone mineral density in CT using deep learning with explainability"
    Jeong-Woon Kang1, Chunsu Park1, Dong-Eon Lee1, Jae-Heung Yoo2 and MinWoo Kim3*
    Frontiers in Physiology, 2023.01
  5. "Estimation of Bone Mineral Density in the Femoral Neck and Lumbar Spine using Texture Analysis of Chest and Pelvis Computed Tomography Hounsfield Unit."
    Young-kyung Min, Dong-Ha Lee, Jae-Heung Yoo, Man-Jun Park, Jung-Wook Huh and Min Woo Kim*
    Current Medical Imaging, 2022.11
  6. "Deep Learning-Enhanced Parallel Imaging and Simultaneous Multislice Acceleration Reconstruction in Knee MRI"
    Kim, MinWoo PhD∗; Lee, Sang-Min MD, PhD†; Park, Chankue MD, PhD‡; Lee, Dongeon BS∗; Kim, Kang Soo MS§; Jeong, Hee Seok MD‡; Kim, Shinyoung MD‡; Choi, Min-Hyeok MD, PhD¶; Nickel, Dominik PhD∥
    Investigative Radiology, 2022.07
  7. "Comparison of a Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction Algorithm with Filtered Back Projection and Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms for Pediatric Abdominopelvic CT"
    Wookon Son*, MinWoo Kim*, Jae-Yeon Hwang, Young-Woo Kim, Chankue Park, Ki Seok Choo, Tae Un Kim, and Joo Yeon Jang
    Korean Journal of Radiology, 2022.05
  8. "Diagnostic Performance for Detecting Bone Marrow Edema of the Hip on Dual-Energy CT: Deep Learning Model vs. Musculoskeletal Physicians and Radiologists"
    ChunSu Park, MinWoo Kim, Chankue Park, Wookon Son, Sang-Min Lee, Hee Seok Jeong, JeongWoon Kang and Min-Hyeok Choi
    European journal of radiology, 2022.05
  9. ”Real-time interleaved spectroscopic photoacoustic and ultrasound (PAUS) scanning with simultaneous fluence compensation and motion correction"
    G. Jeng, M. Li, M. Kim, S, Yoon, J. J. Pitre, D. S. Li, I. Pelivanov and M. O’Donnell
    Nature Communications, vol. 12(1), pp.1-12. Jan. 2021.
  10. "Spatially Localized Sono-Photoacoustic Activation of Phase-Change Contrast Agents"
    D. Li, G. Jeng, J. Pitre, M. Kim, L. Pozzo and M. O'Donnell
    Photoacoustics, 2020.
  11. “Correction of wavelength-dependent laser fluence in swept-beam spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging with a hand-held probe”
    M. Kim*, G. Jeng, I. Pelivanov and M. O’Donnell
    Photoacoustics, 2020. (*Corresponding Author)
  12. "Deep-learning Image Reconstruction for Real-time Photoacoustic System."
    M. Kim*, G. Jeng, I. Pelivanov and M. O’Donnell.
    IEEE TMI, 2020. (*Corresponding Author)
    “Experimental Validation of Perfusion Imaging with HOSVD Clutter filters”
    Zhu, M. Kim and M. F. Insana
    IEEE Transactions on UFFC, 2020.
  13. “Imaging the Landmarks of Vascular Recovery”
    J. Hedhli†, M. Kim†, H. J. Knox, J. A. Cole, T. Huynh, M. Schuelke, I. T. Dobrucki, L. Kalinowski, J. Chan, A. J. Sinusas, M. F. Insana and L. W. Dobrucki
    Theranostics, vol. 10(4), pp.1733-1745, 2020.(†Co-first Author)
  14. “Multi-dimensional Clutter Filter Optimization for Ultrasonic Perfusion Imaging”
    M. Kim, Y. Zhu, J. Hedhli, L. W. Dobrucki, and M. F. Insana
    IEEE Transactions on UFFC, 2018
  15. “Expanding Acquisition and Clutter Filter Dimensions for Improved Perfusion Sensitivity”
    M. Kim*, C. K. Abbey, J. Hedhli, L. W. Dobrucki, and M. F. Insana
    IEEE Transactions on UFFC, vol. 64 (10), 1429-1438, Oct. 2017. (*Corresponding Author)
  16. “Efficiency of US Tissue Perfusion Estimators”
    M. Kim, C. K. Abbey, and M. F. Insana
    IEEE Transactions on UFFC, vol. 63, pp. 1131-1139, Aug. 2016.
  17. “Sparsity Driven Metal Part Reconstruction for Artifact Removal in Dental CT”
    J. Choi, K. S. Kim, M. Kim, W. Seong, and J. C. Ye
    Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, vol. 19, pp. 457-475, Oct. 2011.

Korean Papers

“딥러닝을 활용한 3차원 초음파 파노라마 영상 복원”
"3D Ultrasound Panoramic Image Reconstruction using Deep Learning"
이시열, 김선호, 이동언, 박춘수, 김민우*
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research 44: 255-263 (2023)
“의료영상 분야를 위한 설명가능한 인공지능 기술 리뷰”
"A review of Explainable AI Techniques in Medical Imaging"
이동언, 박춘수, 강정운, 김민우*
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research 43: 259-270 (2022)

Conference Proceedings

“Convolutional Implicit Neural Representation of pathology whole-slide images”
DongEon Lee, Chunsu Park, SeonYeong Lee, SiYeoul Lee, MinWoo Kim
2024 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Oct. 2024.
“CAPTURE-GAN: Conditional Attribute Preservation through Unveiling Realistic Generative Adversarial Networks for artifact removal in dual-energy CT imaging”
Chunsu Park, Seonho Kim, DongEon Lee, SiYeoul Lee, Kambaluru Ashok, Chankue Park, MinWoo Kim
2024 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Oct. 2024.
"MSL-Net: Enhancing Free-hand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction Using Deep Learning for Advanced Clinical Visualization"
SiYeoul Lee, SeonHo Kim, MinKyung Seo, Ashok Kambaluru, DongEon Lee, Chunsu Park, SeonYeong Lee, Jiye Kim, MinWoo Kim
2024 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sep. 2024.
“Advances in Pulsed Doppler Methods for Peripheral Perfusion Imaging”
M. F. Insana, Y. Zhu, M. Kim and W. L. Dobrucki
2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Oct. 2019.
"Optimal filtering for improved perfusion sensitivity."
M. Kim, J. Hedhli, L. W. Dobrucki, C. K. Abbey, and Michael F. Insana.
In 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 1-4., Sep. 2017.
“Ultrasound Perfusion Signal Processing for Tumor Detection”
M. Kim, C. K. Abbey, and M. F. Insana
SPIE Medical Imaging, April. 2016.
“Perfusion Signal Processing for Optimal Detection Performance”
C. K. Abbey, M. Kim, and M. F. Insana
in 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 2253-2256, Sep. 2014
"Ab Initio Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction of Helical Macromolecules using Electron Microscopy"
M. Kim and J. C. Ye
in Proc. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), June 2009.
"Compressed Sensing Metal Artifact Removal in Dental CT"
J. Y. Choi, M. W. Kim, W. Seong, and J. C. Ye
in Proc. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), June 2009.
"3D Macromolecule Structure Reconstruction from Electron Micrograph by exploiting Symmetry and Sparsity"
M. W. Kim, J. Y. Choi, and J. C. Ye
in Proc. SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, Jan. 2008.
"Cryo-EM Microscopy Single Particle Reconstruction of Virus Particles using Compressed Sensing Theory”
M. W. Kim, J. Y. Choi, L. Yu, K. E. Lee, S. S. Han, and J. C. Ye
in Proc. IS&T/SPIE, Computational Imaging, Jan. 2007.


“Ultrasonic Imaging with Clutter Filtering for Perfusion”
M. F. Insana and M. Kim
US 16/442,729. Dec. 2019.
“Providing Motion Mode Image in Ultrasound System”
M. W. Kim and W. H. Kang
US 9232932 B2, Jan. 2016, EP 2609866 A1, Jul. 2013.
“Estimating Motion of Particle Based on Vector Doppler in Ultrasound System”
M. W. Kim and H. J. Kim
US 20130172747 A1, Jul. 2013, EP 2610639 A2, Jul. 2013.
“Ultrasound System and Method for Processing Beam-forming based on Sampling Data”
M. W. Kim
US 9081084 B2, Jul, 2015, EP 2466330 A2, Jun. 2012.
“Ultrasonic 3-Dimenstional Image Reconstruction Method and Ultrasonic Wave System Thereof”
M. W. Kim
US 8840554 B2, Sep. 2014, EP 2332467 A1, Jun. 15, 2011.
“Providing Turbulent Flow Information based on Vector Doppler in Ultrasound System”
M. W. Kim and S. W. Choi
US 20130172755 A1, Jul. 2013, EP 2609870 A1, Jul. 2013.
“Forming Vector Information Based on Vector Doppler in Ultrasound System”
H. W. Lee, M. W. Kim, D. G. Kim and H. J. Kim
US 20130165792 A1, Jun. 2013, EP 2610638 A2, Jul. 2013.
“Ultrasound and System for Forming a Doppler Ultrasound Image”
D. G. Kim, M. W. Kim, S. H. Hong and H. J. Kim
US 20130184586 A1, Jul. 2013, EP 2610641 A3, Aug. 2014.
“Ultrasound System and Method for Detecting Vector Information using Transmission Delays”
D. G. Kim and M. W. Kim
US 9474503 B2, Oct. 2016, EP 2610640, Aug. 2014.

AMI lab